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HOME: Where The Heart … AND … Where The Long-Term Wealth Is!

Buying a home is the biggest financial decision most people will ever make. There is an emotional side to home ownership – it’s often baked into a person’s vision of what’s important to secure their own future or, at the very least, part of the wider touchstone ‘American Dream’. Whether you think about it often […]

Thoughts On Holding Title

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated! Does anyone even post that anymore??? I recently handled the Property Purchase for a young couple who found their Dream Home with plans of starting a family – then they Recorded Title in a way that I’d actually never seen before: “JOHN DOE, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE […]

When You Can’t Buy What’s Not For Sale: Bring On 2024!!!

2023 was a record-breaker in Real Estate – but that’s not all good: Sure, SoCal prices remained robust, boosting Homeowners’ equity, but the spike in mortgage interest rates and a shortage of properties for sale sent the number of sales tumbling to a 28-year low! Well, buckle up! Expect sales to climb steeply in 2024 […]

8 Strategies for Maintaining a Home as an Asset

The recent high-profile failures of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank are an object lesson on the importance of managing one’s assets. Companies, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, who had more than $170 billion stored at SVB, were left scrambling to access their money for 72 hours until the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation stepped in […]

Living In Fear Could Mean Not “Living” At All!

As local Home prices push ever higher, do you find yourself stuck in a rut and putting off your dreams? I’m constantly asked the question: “A crash is coming, right?” My answer: Don’t hold your breath! Leading up to the 2007/2008 crash, anyone who could fog a mirror was approved for a loan. Easy credit […]